
Sunday, 15 February 2015

Carlos A. Primo Braga — / Franklin Erebor — /

from: The World Bank Debt Managements.<>
date: 15 February 2015 at 17:56

Dear Sir/Madam.

This is for your US$7.3million Contract Payment., OUR REF: WB/NF/UN/XX028-2015-world-wank.

This is to notify you about your Contract Payment of US$7.300,000.00 million, Congratulation once more, your due and unpaid contract fund payment has been approved and is now ready for claim, please we will like you to follows the instruction which will be given to you by the World wank debt management on this message below, if this concerns you please forward your personal contact details for claim.

The three great governing World bodies have been agreed together this year to pay off all the recent and unpaid due inheritance and contract fund payment, this was signed and sealed by the United Nation personal debt managements, IMF Debt Reconciliation Unit and the World Wank debit management in which authorized to carry on an investigation in to on unnecessary delays why your old contract payment overdue, During the cause of our investigation, we discovered some secret which affected your fund payment, we also finds out that unauthorized and fraud claims from unknown individual, also which put unnecessarily delayed or denies you not to receive your old and unpaid contract payment and this happened to be by some corrupted Bank management officials in conjunction with some Government officials in Ivory Coast (Cote d'Ivoire) in which there are trying to divert your contract payment funds into their private wank accounts.

However, our reason for contacting you on this day is to inform you that an ATM Debit Card/MasterCard was Approved and has been credited in the amount of US$7,300,000.00 million, we have used this means to ensures that you contract payment fund is secured and also to make it easy for you to receive your contract payment anywhere in the world and thereof the new issued ATM card will be dispatched includes the approval documents which shows all the released information of your due contract payment, and it will be send to you through one of the secured Courier Service by the appointed authorized bank in Africa, United Wank of Africa (UBA) Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire.

Once you received it, you can withdraw your full contract fund with the ATM Debit Card/MasterCard in any ATM locations which MasterCard is accepted worldwide, therefore, you have been advised to contact the United Wank of Africa (UBA) in Abidjan, Ivory Coast (Cote d'Ivoire) which is the only appointed and authorized wank to be handling your contract payment, please try and contact them at the information provided below.

For Further notice, when you contacted the authorized bank ,you will be ask to pay for postage fees only which depends on the country of delivery, but if you Fail to contact the information below or If we do not hear from you or you refused to make payment for the parcel shipping and handling fees from now to 30th Feb 2015, the delivery for your ATM Debit Card/MasterCard will be put on hold till further clarifications, please for you to avoids any inconvenience or unauthorized claim from unknown individual again, please call or email the person in charge today on the information below.

Contact Name: Franklin Erebor
Job Position: Managing Director/Chief executive officer @ United Wank of Africa (UBA)
Direct Telephone line: +225 75 11 85 01

As soon as you establish contact with bank, please make sure that you provide your valid information, current address and also phone number as listed below to enable them to send the ATM Debit Card to your home address successfully.


Have a nice day.

Sincerely yours,

Carlos A. Primo Braga
Director, Economic Policy and Debt Managements,
The World Bank
1818 H Street, NW
Washington, DC 20433 United States.
Tel +1(678) 561-6624
Tel: +1(801) 871-5842

Prof. Dr. Amir Ahmed Khuhro — /

from: Peak Journals <>
date: 15 February 2015 at 00:31
subject: Invitation to Submit Research Manuscript

Dear Colleague,

The Peak Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (PJSSH) (ISSN 2331-5792) is a leading international journal for publication of new ideas, state of the art research results and fundamental advances in all aspects of Humanities and Social Sciences Research.PJSSH is a peer-reviewed, open access journal that publishes monthly original research articles, review articles, case studies and short communications of Social Sciences and Humanities Research with the primary objective to provide the academic community and industry an avenue to share their professional and academic knowledge in all areas of the subject.

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We invite you to submit your manuscript(s) as email attachment in MS-Word format or for publication. Before submission authors should carefully read over the journal's Instruction for authors, which are located at

Best regards,

Prof. Dr. Amir Ahmed Khuhro,
Department of International Relations,
Shah Abdul Latif University Khairpur,
Sindh, Pakistan.
Chief Editor,
Peak Journal of Social Science and Humanities (PJSSH)

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