from: Mr. Francis Johnson <>
date: 28 August 2014 23:15
subject: GOOD DAY,
Payment Notification Of Your Pending Funds.
I wish to notify you that your Winning / Inheritance Payment of $10.5 Million United States Dollars, Has been Approved and will be released to you as soon as you respond to this letter, Also be inform that the Federal Government of Nigeria have decided to wire your Payment through our Oil Reserve Consolidated Account, You are ask to reply to this Office with the reconfirmation of your information as below:
Your Name in full:
Your Telephone and fax number:
Your Age and Occupation:
Your Count Address:
Furthermore, as soon as I hear from you with the reconfirmation of your information I will use it to obtain the Fund Approval Certificate that will back up your fund to your Account, You are ask to stop any Communication with any Office or person until you receive your fund.
Thanks and have a nice day, Extend my greetings to your family, I am waiting to hear from you.
Best Regards
Mr. Francis Johnson