
Saturday, 7 November 2015

Bryan Seth —

from: Bryan Seth <>
reply-to: Bryan Seth <>
date: 6 November 2015 at 23:44
subject: Job Offer Close To Your Area

Dear candidate,

We are starting a very big research project in USA and Canada. This project takes place every month. 
We are leading agency specialized in (Global) Customer Service Research. We are recruiting people to join our project to work as feedback agents. 
You will be paid USD200 as salary for each feedback assignment. 
A payment check which includes both your salary and the funds for you to accomplish the assignment will mailed to your address which you provide us below.

1. Full name:
2. Address(NO P.O BOX):
3. City:
4. State:
5. Zip code:
6. Cell/Mobile number:
7. Age:
8. Occupation :

Your response would be greatly appreciated, Thank you.

Bryan Seth
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